Kama Sutra Sex Positions


The Flag of Cupid
Grasping the ankles of the round hipped woman,
whose buttocks are like two ripe gourds,
raise her beautiful thighs and spread the thigh-joints widely.
Full of desire, saying sweet words,
approach her with your body stiff as a pole
and drive straight forward to pierce her lotus and join your limbs.
Experts call it "Madandhvaja"

Aphrodite's Delight
Catch hold of her two feet,
raising them till they press upon her breasts
and her legs form a rough circle.
Clasp her neck and make love to her:
This is "Ratisundara"

Lift the lady's feet until her soles,
lie perfectly parallel,
one to each side of her slender throat,
cup her breasts and enjoy her:
this technique is "Uthkanta"

Your lovely wife lying on the bed,
grasps her own feet
and draws them up until they reach her hair;
you catch her breasts and make love:
this is "Vyomapada"

The Monkey
The round-thighed woman on the bed grasps her ankles
and raises high her lotus feet;
you strike her to the root, kissing
and slapping open-palmed between her breasts:
this is "Markata"

Dear to Cupid
She lies flat on her back,
you sit between her parted knees, raise them,
hook her feet over your thighs,
catch hold of her breasts, and enjoy her:
this is "Manmathpriya"

Equal Feet
When lovers, with legs stretched rigid
and feet caressing feet,
make love according to their hearts' desire,
"tantra" scholars call it "Sampada"
and agree it is a way to ecstasy.

The Pestle
Stiff as a pole in the bed's center,
she lies making love,
cooing and warbling like a woodpigeon,
the jewel of her clitoris well-polished:
this is "Mausala"

The Rustic
When she lies on her back,
with her two thighs pressed tightly together,
and you make love to her,
keeping your thighs outside hers,
it is "Gramya"

The Love's Noose
If, encircling and trapping her thighs with yours,
you grip so hard that she cries out in pain,
it is "Ratipasha,"
a device most charming to the ladies.

The Clinging Creeper
Her limbs, entwined in yours like tendrils of fragrant jasmine creeper,
draw taut and slowly relax in the gentle rhythm of lingam and yoni:
this is "Lataveshta"

The Bud
She draws her limbs together,
clasping her knees tightly to her breasts,
her yoni, like an opening bud,
offered up for pleasure:
this is known as "Mukula"

The Couch
When she draws up her knees
and you clamp yours about her raised thighs,
trapping them in a tight knot
while riding saddle upon her buttocks
and kissing her, it is "Shankha"


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